Sunday 16 January 2011


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of media products?

My media product is quite similar to what you would find in a usual thriller opening scene, with building tension and by going straight into action. I have developed it by leaving the scene on a cliff hanger which i would return back to at the end of the film if i were to make the full version. My lighting is similar to that of a normal thriller film because i created tension through the darkness and shadows like your typical thriller would. My Mise on Scene as well was similar to that of a thriller with props such as guns to set a violent tone and costumes of suites to set the tone of professionals. I also had a song that the target put on overlapping the other clips and keeping on playing, this again is a normal convention of thriller films that is used quite often.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My film represents the ‘bad’ people in society who kill for money and get involved in all sorts of illegal activities. The sort of social groups that everyone else is intimidated of and would stay clear of if had a choice.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product would probably be 16 to 50 year old males because there is smoking and other adult themes like violence and drinking which would not be appropriate for minors to be watching as it could be setting a bad influence.

How did you attach/address the audience?
I would say the build of tension was one of the main things that would have attached my audience to the scene because building up to a sort of climax is what the audience want to see and you generally have to abide by the conventions for the opening scene because the first scene is so important in drawing people into watching the film.

What have you learnt about technologies whilst constructing this media product?
Whilst filming the preliminary task and the main task i have learnt i how careful i need to be about continuity and all the different camera angles. I have also learnt how to film better and getting better results from you r filming. Also i have seen how important different genres conventions are and how you have to stick by them quite religiously. I have also learnt a lot from editing on Sony Vegas, which i found very complicated and fiddly at the beginning but now i understand the software alot better and can use it with confidence.

After showing my video to various people the feedback was very positive;
One person said that they thought the lighting was effective at creating the tension but they felt at points it was a bit difficult to see what was going on.
Unfortunately i didn’t have much access to lights say for example outside where i had to rely on street lights and security lights
Another said how they found the storyline very intriguing and how it left them wanting to find out why the target was being assassinated. They also said that they found the music very useful in building tension and giving a weird eerie feel to the scene.

My final media film

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Filming of the main task

I used a Samsung HMX-R10 to film, and i used a Bipod to film as it stabalised my shots and gives me more mobility when filming.
The filming went really well and the actors really got into their character brilliantly.
I had a bit of problem with battery power and had to take a half hour break whilst i charged the camera.
We also had a problem with the fight scene when an actor injured themselves whilst filming, but they had a little break and we carried on with the filming.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Deciding props, costumes and set for the main task

This is the house that i will use to film the opening scene,  i am using this house as it is a very richly decorated building. I wanted a richly decorated building as it suited Roger the main the gangster who is getting assinated. All of scene one will be shot from inside and outside this building.

The Costume will be quite similar between all of the characters.
Roger: A black Suite with Waist Coat
Tarquin: Quirky clashing suite with Brown waistcoat
Brian: Plain Grey suite
Adam: Plain Black suite, Black skinny tie

For the opening scene the props i will be using are:
A Gun

Cigarettes - lighter

A Whisky Glass

A Bottle of Jack Daniels with cold tea in

CD remote

Planning for main task

I began planning my main task by creating a 3 page storyboard of scene 1, in this story board i included a rough description of the setting and i included a shot to  shot guide of every camera shot i would use in my film. Whilst making my storyboard i had to decide apropriate camera shots and setting to fit ito the style of thriller.
To inspire me in shots and ways of editing my film, I watched Rock'n'Rolla which is a Brittish Gangster film.
It helped me decide how to film Ben in an intimidating way, making him seem more powerful. I decided to do lots of low angle shots on Ben to make him apear more powerful.